Bundled Set: World Religions Series
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Comprehensive Units
Grade Level: Middle School – High School
Includes 3 curriculum units
Islamic Civilization and the Arts
Islamic Civilization and the Arts introduces students to various elements of Islamic civilization through a humanities approach. Lessons on art, the mosque, Arabic language and calligraphy, poetry, and music provide students with experience analyzing myriad primary source materials, such as images, audio clips, and sayings of Muhammad, excerpts from the Quran. In each lesson, students learn about the history, principles, and culture of Islam as they pertain to particular forms of art. Hands-on activities encourage students to gain an appreciation for Islamic historical and cultural traditions.
An Introduction to Japanese Buddhist Art
An Introduction to Japanese Buddhist Art introduces students to expressions of Buddhism in art in the Japanese context. Lessons on art history, Buddhism, religious institutions, and curatorial practices encourage students, with examples of Buddhist art, to see objects in more ways than one and to realize that looking at and displaying these objects can shape our understanding of the world in significant ways. Students also learn about Buddhism's basic tenets and practices, and develop an appreciation for Buddhist cultural achievements by studying images of Buddhism.
Religions and Philosophies in China: Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism
The study of China is not complete without exploration of the historical roots and practice of its three main religions and philosophies: Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. This curriculum unit uses a variety of activities and resources to learn about these world religions and philosophies in a Chinese context. Throughout each lesson, students are encouraged to compare and contrast each religion and philosophy as well as to think critically about the universality and modern-day applicability of their tenets.