Along the Silk Road (unit only)
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Comprehensive Unit
263 pages
Grade Level: Middle School – High School
Includes curriculum unit + DVD + audio CD (Recommended wall map of the Silk Road sold separately.)
The term "Silk Road" refers to an ancient network of trails and trading routes connecting East Asia to the Mediterranean. In some ways, the Silk Road was the first real conduit of globalization, as it connected vast lands into a trade network that spread goods, beliefs, and technologies far from their areas of origin. Trade along the Silk Road began around 200 BCE and continued on a significant scale until the sixteenth century CE. The Silk Road has been referred to as the "Internet of antiquity" by Yo-Yo Ma and in studying it we gain insight into how the contemporary stage of globalization is changing our world and our lives.
Along the Silk Road begins with an overview of the network's geography and history. Subsequent lessons explore specific elements of exchange along the Silk Road: languages, goods, belief systems, arts, music, and populations. Along the Silk Road adopts a multidisciplinary approach, and includes material suitable for social studies, geography, art, and music classes.
We strongly recommend this unit be used with the Along the Silk Road wall map, which serves as a central reference and learning tool throughout the unit. The text is further enriched by a DVD that contains color images of all the maps in the unit, a video of the Silk Road Ensemble performing, and other images and audio clips used throughout the unit. This wealth of resources enables students to unearth the richness of exchange along the Silk Road and understand how its legacy continues to impact us today.
» Interactive Website: Along the Silk Road