Rabbit in the Moon: Folktales from China and Japan
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Comprehensive Unit
89 pages
Grade Level: Elementary
Includes curriculum unit + book ("The Funny Little Woman")
This cross-cultural investigation of eight Chinese and Japanese folktales is designed to interest students in China and Japan. Students create their own folktales as a final activity.
Connections to Curriculum Standards
NHS = National History Standards
NCSS = National Council for the Social Studies
The student will learn...
NHS: (Topic 4, The History of Peoples of Many Cultures Around the World, Standard 7A, Grades K–4), Illustrate or retell the main ideas in folktales, legends, myths, and stories of heroism that disclose the history and traditions of various cultures around the world. [Reconstruct the literal meaning of a historical passage]
NCSS: (Culture), to understand that cultures have systems of beliefs, knowledge, values, and traditions.